d20playWLGameMacros Playing Wild Beyond the Witchlight? Make token or global macros with the following text in Roll20. Game Great! d20play.com /desc ALMIRAJ RING TOSS [x](https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/twbtw/JtUXxjur9QWtb7E3/01-011.almiraj-ring-toss.png) /desc "This almiraj is no mirage. Adorn its horn with two or three rings to win a prize!" /as "Rings"You get three rings to toss around the Almiraj's horn. But the thing is teleporting back and forth on the table! 17 Dex Check (AD if have Arcana). Two rings earns a prize. Three earns two prizes! /desc CATCH THE DRAGON BY THE TAIL [x](https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/twbtw/JtUXxjur9QWtb7E3/01-010.catch-the-dragon-by-the-tail.png) /desc "Prizes! Prizes! Prizes! Catch the faerie dragon by the tail and win a piece of its hoard!" /as "Catch"While blindfolded and standing in a booth, you must grab the tail of an elusive, giggling faerie dragon. 3 tries. 18Per earn prize (or 2 if made on first try) /desc GNOME POETRY CONTEST [x](https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/twbtw/JtUXxjur9QWtb7E3/01-012.gnome-poetry-contest.png) /desc "Sound the chime, it's time to rhyme! You bring the poem! We'll bring the gno-em!" /as "Poetry"Best of five lines. 15Perf each line to win (AD if you roleplay your poetry). 1 prize (or 2 if 0 failures) /desc GOBLIN WRESTLING /desc "Strong folks! Test your mettle in a goblin wrestle!" /as "Wrestle" Contested Ath (goblins are -1). Medium creature fights two goblins at once (they roll 1 time with AD). 1 prize if win. /desc GUESS THE NUMBER OF FEATHERS [x](https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/twbtw/JtUXxjur9QWtb7E3/01-009.guess-the-number-of-feathers.png) /desc "Birds of a feather? How about feathers of a bird? Step right up and guess how many feathers festoon this fiendish fowl!" /as "Guess"3 tries. Multiple caged cockatrices. 18IC to win prize (or 2 if on first try). /desc OUTSTARE THE CYCLOPS [x](https://media.dndbeyond.com/compendium-images/twbtw/JtUXxjur9QWtb7E3/01-013.outstare-the-cyclops.png) /desc "What do you do when the eye of the cyclops falls upon you? You stare right back if you've got the stamina!" /as "Staring"Outstare an illusory cyclops. 14CC to win a prize.