Test your mettle against the longest odds. Come out victorious and add your name to the list of d20play Champions. See how you measure up to other adventure parties. Form a team of 4 to 6 players with your friends or enemies, choose an adventure, and email me to set up a time to play. This way of playing was inspired by many fantastically fun years of playing in the D&D Championship at GenCon. Read about our last run here Recap2013DnDChampionship.pdf
Adventurer's League Legal Characters
Players with no Knowledge of Adventure
Finish adventure with max of 2 short rests and 0 long rests (for 4 hour AL Adventure)
Finish adventure in 4 real time hours with two 10 minute breaks
see the bottom of this page for the complete rules
Levels 1-4 (results count toward AL)
Adventure Champions: JKJCSC
All Results
989 points - Team JKJCSC (Josh A., Kirk B., Jeremy B., Casey E., Shane M., Chris W.) - 2016-05-12
The time has come to venture beyond the village of Orasnou and explore the realm of Barovia. However, in your travels,
you happen across an unusual tribe of people—distrusted denizens of the Demiplane of Dread. Do the Vistani truly
possess the ability to see the future, or is it simple parlor tricks and deceit? Part Five of Misty Fortunes and
Absent Hearts. A 2 hour adventure for level 1-4 AL characters.

Levels 1-4 (results do not count toward AL)
Holder of the Forever Stone: JuanRico (played by Chris W.)
Adventure Champions: KTJCTC.
All Results
35 points - Team KTJCTC (Kirk B., Todd D., Justin E., Cal M., Tim O., Chris W.) - 2015-02-11
The infamous Mines of Madness written by Scott Kurtz and Christopher Perkins.
Strive to beat the adventuring companies that have come before you and claim the Forever Stone as your own.

Adventurer's League Rules (Player's Guide here: Resources) (FAQ here: FAQ)
4-6 Characters
Characters must be AL legal
Send copy of all character info 72 hours before game start. I will review character and set up macros in Roll20. If I find no errors and your character information is complete, you will start with inspiration. It is up to you to check the Roll20 macros to ensure I did not make any mistakes.
Magic Item Limits per Character
---1 consumable (single-use) magic item per level (that includes potions of healing)
---1 permanent or multi-use consumable magic item per 2 levels (round down) (all magic items count (even those that don't normally count toward magic item picks due to DM rewards, etc.)
---magic items can be loaned after being counted toward each character's allowed quantity
---extra magic items can be left at home
Magic Item Rarity Limits
---Tier 1 (Levels 1-4): common, uncommon
---Tier 2 (Levels 5-10): common, uncommon, rare
---Tier 3 (Levels 11-16): common, uncommon, rare, very rare
---Tier 4 (Levels 17-20): any
---magic items that are too rare can be left at home
Players must not have read, watched, played, dm'd, etc. the adventure
Tournament adventures (such as Mines of Madness) will be played as is and points adjusted for party level and number.
Time Limits
---2 hour adventure: 2 hours which must include one 10 minute break
---4 hour adventure: 4 hours which must include two 10 minute breaks
---8 hour adventure: 8 hours which must include four 10 minute breaks
Rest Limits
---2 hour adventure: 1 short rest
---4 hour adventure: 2 short rests
---8 hour adventure: 1 long rest and 3 short rests (in any order)
Adventurers League adventures will be adjusted to party level and number and then further increased in difficulty by adjusting each encounter to a party strength 3 steps up (so very weak becomes strong and weak becomes very strong). In addition the following adjustments are made:
---strong and very strong: All trap damage is doubled
---very strong + 1: All trap damage is doubled from very strong levels. Add monsters to those at very strong equivalent to 1/3 the xp value of the amount appearing at normal difficulty. Chief opponents are adjusted to 150% normal hp (and count at 1.25x xp for generating encounter (but not for rewarding xp))
---very strong + 2: All trap damage is tripled from very strong levels. Add monsters to those at very strong equivalent to 2/3 the xp value of the amount appearing at normal difficulty. Chief opponents are adjusted to 200% normal hp (and count at 1.5x xp for generating encounter (but not for rewarding xp))
---very strong + 3: All trap damage is quadrupled from very strong levels. Add monsters to those at very strong equivalent to 1x the xp value of the amount appearing at normal difficulty. Chief opponents are adjusted to 200% normal hp (and count at 1.5x xp for generating encounter (but not for rewarding xp))
Results (even TPK's) count toward AL characters if playing an AL adventure. Results do not count toward AL characters if not playing an AL adventure.
Finish an adventure in the time limit (see above) for official scoring (you can continue to play and finish after this for fun and AL awards but anything accomplished after the time limit does not count toward official scoring).
Scoring will vary by adventure.
Mines of Madness: Points from scoring system of page 22 of adventure with the following additions: -50 points per short rest (max of 2), -100 points per character death (dead, not 0hp, even if revivified), -1 point per real minute adventure runs past 3 hours, then divide total by # of character levels who started the adventure.
Generic AL adventure: +250 points per part of adventure finished (per overview), +100 points per faction mission completed (all faction missions will be assigned even if faction members are missing); +100 points per non-combat xp award earned; +100 points per permanent magic item found; -100 points per character death (dead, not 0hp, even if revivified), -50 points per short rest, -1 point per real minute adventure runs past 3 hours (or 1.5 hours for a 2 hour adventure or 6 hours for an 8 hour adventure). Totals are not divided by party number and levels because adventure has been adjusted in difficult to match party already.