d20play | d20compete | schedule | rules | toren | campaigns | 2018-12-22 |
d20compete COMPETITOR'S LEAGUE Test your mettle against the longest odds. Come out victorious and add your name to the rankings of the best players. Intense gaming inspired by D&D Opens, D&D Championships (Championship.pdf), Goodman Games Tournaments, Fourthcore Deathmatches, and 5th Edition Team Deathmatches (Defy Danger Blog)! WHAT DO I NEED TO PLAY? Roll20 and Discord, both free! See the d20playHowTo.pdf for details. Watch the schedule page and alonlinetools.net for upcoming CL games! Really excited? Just email tgchristy@att.net and I will sign you up for the next game! WANT TO KNOW MORE? Gorgeous maps, intense action, exciting pregens. Look below, then check out d20playHowTo.pdf for details. Gorgeous Maps Look for gorgeous maps by Heroic Maps and others for our games. ![]() Intense Action No regular game of D&D can prepare you for the intensity and fun of competing head to head with other players. On top of that, you can count on me to run a fast game and to know the rules well enough to almost never have to look them up! ![]() Exciting Pregens Pregenerated characters are used for a level playing field. Many are adapted from actual D&D Adventurers League characters. Some are developed especially for the theme of the adventure they are used in. All vary widely in their capabilities and gear. Half the challenge is forming the best party of 4 and figuring out how to make them synergize together and bring out their best. Several new pregens are rotated in every game so there are always fresh ones to check out. Do you have an idea for a cool pregen? You can contribute too! Write it up, send it my way, and I will get it added to the list as soon as I can. ![]() Summary of all pregens available here: d20competeCharacterRef.pdf D&D Beyond pregen character sheets available here: Aarkos. CG Aarakocra Sorcerer5 (Wild) Amis. LG Dragonborn (Bronze) Paladin2/ Warlock3 (Celestial) Baka. N Tortle Ranger5 (Horizon Walker) Bas'ssr. LE Yuan-Ti Cleric5 (Death) D'Anrew. CG Tiefling Rogue4 (Swashbuckler)/ Fighter1 Deux. LN Gnome (Deep) Monk5 (Long Death) Ellesandra. N Elf (High) Wizard5 (Bladesinger) EmClaude. N Human (Variant) Barbarian5 (Totem) GoBo. NG Dragonborn (Copper) Bard5 (Lore) Grimstav. CN Goliath Barbarian5 (Totem) Myst. LE Elf (High) Rogue5 (Assassin) Qi Long. LN Human (Variant) Paladin5 (Vengeance) |
RANKINGS - Season 1 Teams TBD Players TBD Characters TBD Designers TBD |
RANKINGS - Season 0 Teams Random: 2 Players Andrew, Dalton D, David H, John S, Josh A, Jeremy B, Kirk B, Shane M: 1 Chris P, Chris R, Chris W: 0 Characters Baka, Bas'ssr, Bryn, Brynlie, GoBo, Atticus, Deux, Ellesandra: 1 Aarkos, Amis, EmClaude, Grimstav: 0 Designers MF: 2 CE, GD, MM, Dalton D, Tom C, TK: 1 BS, JT, SM: 0 |
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