- 11/13/591 Westkeep - From Westkeep, we set out for Kendal Keep.
- 11/15/591 Logard Fort - We left Logard Fort and that night we
were attacked by 9 ghouls which we killed but not before Mahgrin was seriously injured. We decided
to track these foul undead to see where they came from (and hopefully find some of their treasure).
- 11/19/591 Farmhouse in the Hool Marshes - We tracked the ghouls as far as a ransacked
farmhouse but found no treasure, just mutilated bodies.
- 11/21/591 Kendall Keep - We arrived at Kendall Keep to find a relatively peaceful
and carefree atmosphere (how that would soon change...). By this time, Mahgrin's wounds
were getting much worse. After inquiring about were we could find a healer that could help
him we were directed to find a group of gypsys on the road north of Kendall Keep.
- 11/23/591 Gypsy Camp 2 Days North of Kendall Keep - We arrived at gypsy
camp. We were able to pay to have Mahgrin healed and we were able to buy some magic
items from the gypsys. We also found out about a nearby ruin.
- 11/24/591 The Shattered Circle Ruins 2 Days North of Kendall Keep - One of the
gypsy children went into the ruins and did not return. The gypsys offered us a reward if we would
go and rescue this child. We agreed and set of for the ruins. At the ruins we found a 5' by 5'
hole in the earth where an ancient standing stone once stood. There were steps descending into the
darkness below this stone. These steps led down about 100' into a large dungeon. We found
the young gypsy boy in the first room. He had fallen into a pit and died. Sadly, we returned
the boy to his parents. The gypsys bid us farwell and left.

One of the Spider Humanoids
with One of the Strange Skulls
Behind Him

The Huge Ball of Webs
Home to Uncounted Spiders |